
Monday, February 27, 2006


Tea for Two
Originally uploaded by

Here is my illustration for Illustration Friday... :) The topic posts on Friday and then you have throughout the week to add your link to the website. Then on Friday the topic changes. I've seen some really neat artwork out there! And it's a fun way to get people to look at my blog.

Monday, February 20, 2006


Originally uploaded by MagpieSkinny.

This is for Illustration Friday... It's a remake of a previous illy cuz I couldn't think of anything new for the theme "song". :)

Thursday, February 16, 2006

At last

At last
Originally uploaded by
(bobi & bobi).

I've been checking out Bobi's adorable creations, this is one of them... The amazing talent of some people!!

I'm going to see Evita tomorrow, should be interesting and cultural! Gotta get my culture fix since it's too blinking cold to go to the gallery openings any time soon. :) I'm really ready for spring now. Although this nice blast of cold with help with the bugs and allergens this season and I'm cool with that!

Went to a yummy Italian restaurant with C last night. He's an amazing guy, funny, smart, interesting, calm. C-- you're awesome!

I'm listening to The Faint this a.m. Thanks little M. They are an interesting band. A smidge dark, yet fun music, I think...

I'm humidifying my home and office as I've got the winter sinus funk. blech. For any of you who suffer from that or allergies, I have two words for you, saline nasal spray. Ok 3 words, whatever. :) It's not the magic cure all, but it's definitely cut down on my incidences of sinus misery. It's kind gross, but worth it.

One more thing, my friend Mel has been featured in Dirt Rag for her cool illy's. Check her out!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day!

Casanova Frog
Originally uploaded by MagpieSkinny.

Hope you all have a happy day! And remember this silly day isn't just about relationships (in my book), it's just a fun day to tell the important people in your life that you love them. :)

So act a little schmoopy.... Have some ooey gooey schmoopy times today...
Or wear black and go out and make fun of the schmoopy people, whatever floats your boat. haha!

Thursday, February 9, 2006

Thursday... A good day for robots...

Big Head
Originally uploaded by

Hucubus Park
Originally uploaded by MagpieSkinny.

Robot and Sparrow
Robot and Sparrow
Originally uploaded by MagpieSkinny.

I think robots are cool, especially cute robots. :) So here are some cuties...

Randomness--- When I was in college my friend Tamara and I were renting an apartment. This one property management lady showed us a few different apartments, on a few different days. And each day she was harried, running late, disorganized and she always said, I'm so sorry, I'm having a day.

Which is kinda funny to me, for some reason... :) Cuz yes, it is a day and indeed you are "having it." We also thought it was funny that every day she was so rushed and harried. That was back in college though, when despite working and going to school I had an astonishing amount of laid back, hang out time. Today I can relate a bit more to being so frazzled....

I gotta slow down! :)

Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Frog in Love

Frog in Love
Originally uploaded by MagpieSkinny.

This is my latest froggy creation. It'd make a great Valentine present, to yourself or a loved one. :) So lemme know if you'd like to purchase it. We're running up against time with Valentine's Day less than a week away...

Went out last night and saw Rex Hobart and the Misery Boys. It was a hoot. They're so much fun. Had some really tasty pizza.. Um Ummmm....

Other than that, not much to report. I'm going to paint my heart out tonight getting ready for my potential debut at a store. Keep your fingers crossed for me that they want to sell my paintings.

Happy Wednesday all!

Friday, February 3, 2006

Friday... TGIF

Originally uploaded by a380rules.

Again i'm having a day where I'd like to take off and go to the beach.... :) It's been a crazy week and I'm worn to a nubbin. On top of coming back from vacation which is always tough.

I shipped T.B. her painting on Tuesday. Enjoy!

I saw my friend K8 on Tuesday. She is such a hoot. I hadn't seen her in years and I was afraid it'd be weird, but it was just like old times at the Art Ins. She still has the autographed photo of Anthony Michael Hall. *sniff sniff** good times.

Tomorrow I'm going to be an art making fiend. And I need to clean my car out; it's reached an appalling stage of messiness. eesh. And I'm going to go for a jog and hopefully do a million other things. haha! riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

happy weekend all!