
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Barn

Barn Trusses
Originally uploaded by MagpieSkinny.


C and J got busy putting up trusses Sat. morning. I was so impressed at how quickly they got them up. The first couple took longer cuz they were figuring their system out. Very nice. It's really looking like a barn now. :)

Tammie's Gift Tag Swap

Tammie's Gift Tag Swap
Originally uploaded by MagpieSkinny.

Here are the great gift tags I got from Tammie at
Head Full of Pixies
swap. I think they're all great, thanks everyone!


Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Illustration Friday - Rain

Originally uploaded by MagpieSkinny.

This is my drawing for Illo Friday's topic "Rain".

Thursday, June 22, 2006

la piccola

la piccola
Originally uploaded by mondopanno.

how cute is this?? :)

I think she likes flowers...

I think she likes flowers...
Originally uploaded by

Originally uploaded by

These are the sweet ATCs I got from Christine . I hope she likes the one I sent her... it was one of my good fortune girls.

I saw the movie, The World's Fastest Indian last night and it was really good. Anthony Hopkins does a great job of portraying Burt Monroe, an older Kiwi man who, at the age of 68 traveled from Invercargill, New Zealand to Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah to break the land speed record with a speed of 201 miles an hour. From this site it doesn't sound like this is exactly true to the story, but nevertheless it was quite the feel-good movie and I liked it. You'll like it too, or Bob's your uncle. ha!


I always thought Pooch was a cool, unique dog, but he continues to amaze me. Saturday Hubs and I were out on his land picking raspberries he'd noticed were ripe. Pooch is out there with his frisbee, which we tossed for him a couple times. I'm picking along on the raspberries when Pooch walks in between Hubs and I and starts eating raspberries off the bushes!! He seemed to only eat the ripe ones and he'd kinda get in there with his teeth and pick them off. Huh.....incredible! I don't know if this is something he just does (cuz he seemed to know what he was doing) or if he just really thinks he's a person and he was imitating Hubs and I. Funny boy.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

"The Frog Trio"

"The Frog Trio"
Originally uploaded by MagpieSkinny.

Happy Humpday All! :)

Went mt biking last night. Managed to crash and bang up my recently healed knee. **sigH** i'm just not to have pretty knees this summer. Ah well... I'm not sure my new pendant is lucky. I like to think that my last one was... I'm getting pretty superstitious in my advanced age... but like wikipedia says: A Superstition is the irrational belief that future events are influenced by specific behaviors, without having a causal relationship.

Not much to report... It's hot here and I've got a big case of the I-Don't-Wannas.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Moonstone necklace...

Moonstone necklace...
Originally uploaded by

This is my new necklace... I'm liking it. :)

My horoscope for the day:

Being out in the natural world is the right way to rejuvenate yourself and get a new perspective on where you're going right now. Visual beauty will bring another level of joy, so take a long walk in a flower garden, at the beach, or in some other environment you may find inspirational. As long as you have fresh air, sunlight and the sounds of nature around you, you will get the dose of contemplation you really need right now.

Sounds about right. I've been a bit stressed out lately and thought slowing down a bit might help. Last night I went for a walk with a good friend, then got some stuff done at my house. Hung out with my cousin J and his wife. Nice evening. :)

Today I mailed an ATC swap off to Christine in France. Hope she likes it! I forgot to scan it before I sent it, but it was another of the good fortune girl cards.

Tonight I'm mountain biking with a bunch of friends. Hopefully it won't rain...

Here's an exerpt from a good email forward:

I wish you enough
I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright.
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive.
I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger.
I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.
I wish you enough hellos to get you through the final goodbye.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Hey, whatchoo lookin' at?

Originally uploaded by MagpieSkinny.

This is my illustration friday illo from last week's topic, Jungle. A bit late, but i'm putting it on my blog nonetheless. It was a pretty appropriate topic for me since C and I went to the zoo on Sunday.. :)
We saw lions, red pandas, emus, kangaroos, chimps, hippos, etc.

My cousin and his wife stayed with me Wed. night on their way to Bonnaroo. Sounds like a lot of good music jam packed into one weekend. I would have like to see Andrew Bird, guess he is playing there... :)

D&E are getting married tonight. I can't believe how time flies. They seem really happy together and I'm happy for them. S and I bought them a present of Target and had it gift wrapped and shipped. Maybe it's lazy, but I think it's LOVELY.

Happy Friday everyone.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Too funny

Originally uploaded by MagpieSkinny.

Went to the KC Zoo with C on Sunday with C. We had a nice time... C got more excited about an exhibit they were building, a Ginormous hollowed tree trunk made out of concrete and acryl than about any of the animals. ha!

I really liked the meerkats. they were looking at us like we were strange and interesting, quite cute. I guess there's a show on animal planet, but unfortunately i don't get cable. ah well...


Friday, June 9, 2006

I think I'm in love...

Frog Shrinky dink
Originally uploaded by

I got Shrinky dink paper the other day and made a couple last night... The first one was cute, but too dark in spots, but this one turned out pretty good. :)

I went and road biked last night, 22.5 miles. Relatively flat, but I was really pushing myself to go fast, so it was a good workout. I had some people pass me, but on my 6th and final lap I was dying and not really going fast at all and some guy who looked to be out riding casually (no helmet, etc.) was coming up on me and I got all competitive and punched it. Road probably as fast as my first lap, so I was impressed with myself! of course some fancy roadie biker passed me for the third time on the final stretch. **sigh** ah well, I don't need to be the fastest rider, just want to make sure I'm pushing myself so I get stronger!

ps. Ellen said my "Portrait" illustration for Illustration Friday made her laugh out loud, which really made my day. Thanks Ellen!

Thursday, June 8, 2006


Originally uploaded by MagpieSkinny.

For Illustration Friday, topic - Portrait.

Maggie's mom bought her a bear costume one year for Halloween. Maggie decided she liked being a bear better than being a little girl, so now she lives in a cave (tent) in the backyard.

(an attempt at a story to fit the drawing...)

Wednesday, June 7, 2006


She's a star...
Originally uploaded by

Here's a little watercolor I did. I want to take a watercolor class so I can learn to do washes. Gosh Darn Knit does great watercolors, I love her stuff.

Fun things I've done lately:

*saw X-men III at the drive-in (i LOVE drive-in theaters)
*more tractor mowing (i feel so tough when i do it, silly but i enjoy it!)
*went out on C's boat, didn't swim yet, maybe this weekend
*went to a roller skating party at a friend's loft. i need rollerskates!
*went shopping with little m (marshall's had really cute tees!)

I bought some shrinky dink paper day before yesterday. I"m excited to make some pendants, etc. out of it. Anyone played with it much? Any advice?