
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Baby it's cold outside...

Snuggle Buddies
Originally uploaded by
Magpie Skinny.

Last night I watched Friends with Money. From the previews I thought it'd be kinda funny, romantic. It wasn't funny or romantic. I think it was a sad testament to friendship. Only one couple seemed remotely happy and the friends didn't really seem to like each other that much.

"What is that you express in your eyes? It seems to me more than all the words I have read in my life" - Walt Whitman

Your Wednesday Magpie @--/-------

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Looks Angelic
Originally uploaded by
Magpie Skinny.

I'm dedicating today as "The Grass is Green on Your Side of the Fence, Too" Day. A day to focus on positive things in your life. My friend A. had a friend who told her, "Don't be hiking up one mountain and looking over your shoulder wishing you were hiking up a different mountain." Enjoy where you are right now!

I'm working on a sewing project, soon to be unveiled!

Magpie @-/----------

Friday, January 26, 2007

Bluebird Onesie

Originally uploaded by
Magpie Skinny.

Hi all! Need a present for a baby? This is just one of the designs I have on 100% cotton, pre-shrunk Hanes onesies. The images are direct printed on for high quality and great colors. Just $15. Post a comment if you'd like to get more info!

Hope everyone is having a happy Friday so far. My day is starting out ooookay. I watched Men In Trees this morning (recorded it last night). I like that show, it's sweet and cute. Check it out peeps!

Alaska dreamin',

Magpie @--/------

Thursday, January 25, 2007


Originally uploaded by Magpie Skinny.

Here's a bright little birdie... She brightened my day, hopefully she'll brighten yours.

I've been seeing comments on other people's blogs asking their readers to "de-lurk". If there's anyone out there lurking, de-lurk!! Tell me what your new years resolutions are, or what your favorite type of cheap wine is, or what shoe size you wear. :) Sommmmething...

Your Bright Birdie Magpie @--/----------

Bottle of Wine

wine babes
Originally uploaded by brendaj.

Sally was driving home from one of her business
trips in Northern Arizona when she saw an elderly
Navajo woman walking on the side of the road.

As the trip was a long and quiet one, she stopped
the car and asked the Navajo woman if she would like
a ride. With a silent nod of thanks, the woman got into the car.

Resuming the journey, Sally tried in vain to make
a bit of small talk with the Navajo woman. The old
woman just sat silently, looking intently at
everything she saw, studying every little detail,
until she noticed a brown bag on the seat next to

"What in bag?" asked the old woman.

Sally looked down at the brown bag and said, "It's
a bottle of wine. I got it for my husband."

The Navajo woman was silent for another moment or
two. Then speaking with the quiet wisdom of an elder,
She said: "Good trade....."

haha! :) I wouldn't trade my boyfriend C, for anything, but this still cracked me up. And how about this picture of wine babes from Brenda? niiiice.

S and I had dinner at Kin Lin's last night. It was tasty as usual. While we were eating a guy came in and sat down by himself and had dinner. After dinner, S and I slipped over to Muddy's for a cup of cocoa. We were sitting at the bar, sipping and chatting and suddenly S goes, I think he's stalking us. I look over and it's the guy from Kin Lin's. We have a laugh over it. Then a little later someone says, is this seat taken and IT'S THE GUY!! haha! Too random....

When I got home C had hung out with D & C2 and their kids. They gone sledding out in the back 40. Too fun! I'm sad I missed it. But C had left me a piece of cake so I'm not totally bummed. Thanks C2!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Wednesday blues...

sad black cat
Originally uploaded by

I've got the blahs folks... I need to do something creative, something innovative, something meditative....

I'm hanging out with my friend S. tonight. That should be fun...

C and I watched Fast and Furious, Tokyo Drift last night. WAY cheesy.

Blue Magpie @--/-----

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Originally uploaded by Magpie Skinny.

Illustration Friday's topic is Hero (Heroes?) so here's Super Frog!

Hope everyone is have a tremendously terrific Tuesday. :)



Snow Art
Originally uploaded by

Saturday we finally got some snow. Man, did it dump! We got about 4 inches in a matter of a few hours. :) We were going to take Hubs's mom and SD (visiting for the weekend) to the monster truck show, but the roads were too slick. So Hubs and I went sledding.

We tried the hill going down to the pond (after testing the ice), but there were some big bumps and after launching off one, to land abruptly on the ice, we decided to move. We tried the other side of the pond - not steep enough. So we went further back and found the perfect hill. :)

We went sledding on it last night and the snow's melted a bit and our sled track had gotten really slick so sledding was way more exciting - we went a heck of a lot faster. Pooch kept trying to get on my lap, then he'd jump off when I started going and start biting at my coat sleeve. He ran down the hill behind Hubs with a grip on his hat. haha! What a goofy dog.

C also pulled J and I behind the Bronco on our sleds. It was a hoot!! When he pulled us up hills the tires spun a bit and dusted us with snow. My face was coated in snow after it. haha! J said his eyeballs were frozen. hee hee....


Friday, January 19, 2007


Korma Sutra - Sensual Cuisine of India
Originally uploaded by

So the newly named Funny Foreign Food Friends Forever Foundation met last night for some tasty Indian food.... B.L. and I (yes, there are only two members in the foundation) chose Korma Sutra and it was delightful.

We had:
Chana Batura - chickpeas and fried bread; Chicken Korma - chicken in a coconut curry sauce; Safron basmati rice; Galub Jamin - deep fried sweet dough ball in syrup; chai tea, rice pudding and mango ice cream. yummm.....

We laughed our bums off about every silly thing we've ever seen, done, etc. while we were hanging out. B.L. B.L. did a little dodge and weave table game with the dessert while the nice waitress was trying to set down the multiple dessert items and chai tea, he's so smoooooooth.... And then when was loading up the leftovers I attempted to help by putting the bread in the to-go box. He then accused a passing waiter of taking his bread, to the poor man's astonishment. haha! B.L. you light up my life, you're a hoot.

Apparently only two things make B.L. mad - when you take away his Indian bread or you don't let him go to the Virgin Islands.

The Foundation meeting proceeded to McCoys following dinner. I have two words for you -- Hogpound Brown... yum.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Rose Red Ballerinas

Rose Red Ballerinas
Originally uploaded by
Magpie Skinny.

Hmm... I'm having a craptastic day. Work is bananas and I just want to be at home making something. Lately though, it seems that by the time I get home I've lost all my inspiration and steam. Anybody out there gotta secret for how you get MUCH done when it gets dark at 6 and you have a case of the winter blahs? If so, do tell....

Yours unmotivatedly,
Magpie @--',------

The Fishmonger's Daughter - Michael Garlington 2000

The Fishmonger's Daughter - Michael Garlington 2000
Originally uploaded by
Magpie Skinny.

I really love this image by Michael Garlington.... I don't exactly know why, I just like her eyes and the patterns on the fish. Very cool.. The person in the bear costume in the back makes it even more surreal looking.. :D

Enjoy peeps!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Tainted Love

Tainted Love
Originally uploaded by Magpie Skinny.

Illo Friday's topic was 80s. I got my inspiration from the 80s song, Tainted Love. :)

Happy Wednesday people!

Monday, January 8, 2007

Hermann Wineries

So this weekend C and I went to Hermann, MO to visit the wineries. We took the Amtrak and stayed at Birk's Gasthaus. A house built in 1886 by Michael Poeschel who also built Stone Hill Winery. It's a little walk from the train station (10 or so blocks?), but they will come pick you up if you ask.

Birk's Gasthaus Room 9

The trip started off with a bang as we woke up at 7:30 (instead of 6, don't know what happened to the alarm) raced to Independence and missed the train. Then we raced to Sedalia and caught the train there. It made the start of our relaxing weekend a bit crazy, but once we got on the train we could slow down and appreciate the scenery.

Hermann's a cute little town. I guess January is slow for them, so some of the B&Bs, restaurants and stores close down for the month. There were still a LOT of antique stores. I'm thinking there must be a lot of wine lovers who are also antique lovers... We had lunch at Trapper's Tavern. The food was okay. Everyone seemed unnaturally perky in there and there was a man who appeared to be eating his last meal, he had a big steak dinner, a Guinness and then to top it off a huge piece of cheesecake and coffee. Then he headed to the bar to have goodness only knows what. :) I'd have had to roll home for a nap after a lunch like that.

C and I headed to the Hermannhof Winery. We toured the building; saw the stone wine cellars and then sampled some wine. Then we bought a bottle of wine (Chambourcin Vin-Gris, considered a dry red, but I thought it was fairly sweet) and cheese and crackers and chilled for a while.

Hermannhof Stone Wine Cellar

Sunday morning we had a great breakfast at Birk's and then had to ask for a ride to the train, instead of walking like we planned because we realized the train left at 10 instead of 11. We don't usually have such trouble with being late and all, I'm not sure what it was with us and the train. :)

Thursday, January 4, 2007


Originally uploaded by
Magpie Skinny.

This is my illo for Illustration Friday - Phoenix... :)

Hope everyone is having a happy 2007 so far!
