
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Toes and whatnot...

This is my you weren't in this position when I put you down for your nap picture (should that be hyphenated? ah well, too many hyphens for me, italics will have to do). She's so adorable, she just melts my heart down into my shoes several times a day.

Saturday night we went to Jim and Becky's wedding reception. A cute couple there came up to talk to me about Peep. Apparently they have a baby about the same age. Comparing notes, we found they were born on the same day! They inquired if Peep was chewing on her toes yet. "Not yet," said I. Then Sunday morning the pjs were off for a diaper change and the toes went up to the mouth, not for a chew though, just for a lick. Toe lollipop anyone?

Friday, October 23, 2009

What's in the bucket?

About a month ago I went out by the back porch and grabbed this blue bucket to water some plants.  When something rustled in the bottom, I dropped it (and screamed if you must know). I have NO idea how these little guys got in there!!  

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I'm on an ocean kick

Ocean Tranquility from Hampton Jewels.

A picture of a gagillion hermit crabs in a tide pool in Akumal...  

Cute as a button...

Our little love - could she BE any cuter?  :D

We have gone to so many festivals and outdoor events and sites since Peep's entered the world.  She has been to a Mud Bog, Applefest, Jesse James Days, Watkins Mill, even the annual picnic of our utilities company.  She LOVES to be outside and to people watch and she's as good as gold.  I think we both might get cabin fever this winter.  

I'm thinking that perhaps we should take a cruise.  Now if I could just remember to buy a lotto ticket so that I'd have a slight chance of winning!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Warm thoughts

Picture from our babymoon in Akumal - some flowers near our bungalow.  *warm + sunshiney + ocean for snorkeling = bliss*

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Cold avoidance...

I'm SO not ready for winter.  Today the high was supposed to be 48, but I don't think it actually got over 40 degrees.  *sigh*  I'm thinking it'd be nice to move to Mexico, or maybe even Arizona for the winter.

Pretty ocean pendant from Texas Woman.

Tropical Ocean - Blue  Quartz and Sterling Necklace from Theresa Rose Designs.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Peep at 4 months

It's so amazing to look at old pictures and see a skinny little Peep.  Was she really THAT little?

Diaper changes take longer now because she grabs my pinkie with one hand and my sleeve with the other and then tries to chew on my sleeve.  haha!   She's also found her feet and likes to grab her toes mid diaper change.  She drools like crazy most of the time and blows a lot of spit bubbles.

You can tell when she's excited to see you or is having fun because she waves her little arms around and whacks her side with them and smiles her funny wide mouth smile.

She's rolled over from her stomach to her back several times, but she can't always do it, yet. Yesterday she did it 4 times in a row, like a champ and then today couldn't seem to figure it out. I'm sure that in a week or so she'll have it down pat and then tummy time will be on her terms!

Sometimes I have to go in and peek at her at night to make sure it's real.  I'm a parent? And some mornings when she wakes up and I go to get her, I'm astounded again by this perfect little person Hubs and I made.  Amazing....

Thursday, October 1, 2009