
Monday, March 18, 2013

Stella's Spring

My entry for Susanna Hill's "The In Just Spring Contest!!!"
It could use work, but I wanted to enter, so here it is. :)
(UPDATE: I changed it to just a snippet! Maybe you'll get to read the whole thing in book format someday! *Fingers crossed*)

Squirrels zip and zoom, stop to scold Stella.
“Enjoy the day,” the breeze whispers and caresses.
“Time to fly your kite!” dad says.
Stella knew Spring was really here!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

This is for you Renn!

Thinking of you Renn and sending prayers for healing!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Big Sister, Little Sister, A Book Review

Just yesterday I read about Erik, an 11 year old who reviews AND writes books. He's a totally cool guy and I'm so excited to read more of his reviews. It gave me an idea though, I'd like to share the books that I have read and enjoyed with my kids, so here goes, my first review!

Big Sister, Little Sister, written and illustrated by Levyen Pham
Both my kids (3 and 1) enjoyed this cute picture book. It's a very simple tale that rings with truth about siblings. The illustrations are full of life and adorable. I love her style.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Juicing Journey

so far...

I watched Fat Sick and Nearly Dead last summer and thought vaguely about juicing. Then I recently watched Hungry for Change and it convinced me to try it. I'd been having a lot of cravings and nothing sounded or really tasted good, so when someone in Hungry for Change said we are starving on a cellular level when eating poor diets, it resonated with me. My hopes are that juicing will improve my energy levels and memory and perhaps help me (and therefore my family!) to eat better overall.

I'm using Drew Canole's book "Juicing Recipes." All have been good with a good, but distinctly veg taste, (I've added apples to all to sweeten a bit). We'll see if it really helps. I seem to be snacking less and eating better.

Day 1 Thursday got my juicer in the afternoon, and made pineapple juice (Drew's Aches, Pains, Sinus Drains recipe) - Kids loved it. Not sure it offered any sinus relief, since my sinus junk comes and goes.
Day 2 Friday made Drew Canole's Brain Juice recipe. Offered Peep some and she asked what kind it was, made the mistake of telling her. Brain juice, ewwww, I don't want brain juice! I explained it doesn't have brains in it, it's for your brain. ha!
Day 3 Parsley Pickup
Day 4 Pineapple for kids. Green Juice Energizer for me and Hubs. Then My Memory Oh My.
Day 5 San Francisco Fog Basher, Heaven Sent