
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Anybody up for a little NaPiBoWriWee??

NAPIBOWRIWEE stands for National Picture Book Writing Week. Every year, from May 1st to May 7th, they attempt to write 7 picture books in 7 days. It sounds absolutely nuts, so I decided to join in! Anybody else??

Seriously though, I think this will be a great way to keep B.I.C, buns in chair. I do thrive on deadlines!

Happy NaPiBoWriWee!!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Writer's Block . . .

"I can't do this." "I'll never get published." "How does anyone ever get published!" Any other writers have these thoughts?

About a week ago my brain seized up. I couldn't write at all. I'd sit at the computer, cruise Facebook. Open a file, type a few words, close it up. Watch TV.

Finally, last night (after watching Oliver Jeffers neat video) I shut down the computer, got out a notebook (paper, not a laptop!). Concocted a writing exercise (See Writing Exercises, #2).

Tonight I sat down and wrote the manuscript (ms). Now my manuscript is done for 12x12 for April. Take that writer's block! hi-YAH!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

My picture book writing journey

February of this year, I decided that I wasn't going to wait any longer to start my picture book writing journey. I joined Julie Hedlund's 12x12 group (12 picture books in 12 months). I started writing, and thought, hey this is easy, I'm going to be published in no time! Then I began reading books on how to write and realized that no, it was not easy and I had no idea how to write for children!

I joined one critique group (and then another) and that has been so helpful, I'm lucky to have very knowledgeable crit mates!

I found Mira Reisberg's class "The Craft and Business of Picture Book Writing" through 12x12 and enrolled. Five weeks of daily lessons loaded with information. A Facebook group for asking questions of Mira and classmates, a smaller Facebook critique group (lucky again with more wonderful crit mates!) and a 1-on-1, 1 hour critique with Mira.

I'm still learning and writing and rewriting. One day, I hope to be a published author! I'm working on resources and writing exercises for aspiring children's authors. And I'll keep you updated on my journey!