
Tuesday, February 26, 2008


We were awakened at 4 a.m. by loud meowing. Since we don't have a cat, this seemed slightly peculiar. :) We got up and looked around for awhile and then finally tried to go back to sleep. Only every time I'd start to nod off I'd hear a sound and think that cat was in our room. It really sounded like it was in the house, but when Hubs left for work he saw kitty tracks in the snow on the front sidewalk. Guess he just stopped by to say hi. At 4 a.m.

So today I'm feeling less than stellar. How do parents with kids, especially babies, do it? I need a nap, seriously. zzzzzzzzzzzzZzzzzzzzzzzzz

Monday, February 25, 2008

Rose Earrings

Rose Earrings
Originally uploaded by
Magpie Skinny.

Here are some new earrings I've made that are for sale on my etsy site. I think they turned out quite lovely. I need to make a pair for myself!


Yesterday C and I watched Chocolat. I love this movie. And I love the music in it. It's a touching tale of people trying to be themselves and make a life for themselves. And a town that grows and changes because of them. **sigh**

I also watched some episodes from the first season of Dead Like Me. I'm not quite sure why I like the show, but it intrigues me. And I think the main character George is cute as a button.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

I know I shouldn't laugh...

C & I went to see my older brother's family and my folks yesterday. My niece K looks just like her mom, she's so pretty. She's going to be one in a couple weeks, unbelievable And my nephew E, who's 2 1/2? Well, he's as cute as a button and looks just like his dad. And he's a hoot.

Quotes from the boy:

Upon getting up close to the elephants at the zoo - "They smell poopy", "There are lots of cords" (he's very into appliances and cords - pretends to plug in toys in -via pieces of string stuck in books or between cushions).

Sitting on my lap after tooting- "Maymay, I smell something. Are you poopy?"

He kept saying - "Are you Kooky bad cat?" (Kooky is the nickname for my poor cat who isn't fond of strangers, but is quite fond of showing her lack of fondness for strangers - via hissing and swatting). Then he started just calling me Kooky and it sounded like cookie, so I called him cracker. He thought that was hilarious for a while. haha!

When he gets especially tickled, he says, "OHhhhh Poppa" or "OHhhhh Maymay" etc. Not necessarily the name of whomever amused him.

He was sitting beside me, reaching around me to pet our Aunt Ann's ex-guide dog Cleo and he put his arm around me and said, "Maymay, I love you." Melt my heart why don'tcha.

He's a honey and so is his little sister K. She's starting to talk now, she says Dada and Doggie and duck. She keeps a close watch on E and is often amused by his craziness. :) She's walking and crawling.

Monday, February 4, 2008


I began watching the Superbowl thinking it'd be cool to see the Patriots have a perfect season, but toward the end of the game I started pulling for the Giants. They were playing an amazing game and I think they earned the win. Not to mention, I can't believe the Patriots didn't go for the field goal, what the heck. I think they'll be kicking themselves for that for a long time.

Then this morning, I read this:

"The season means nothing now," Patriots cornerback Ellis Hobbs said. "It means nothing to me. As far as these players and great coaches I am around, this organization, I love them to death. But we didn't accomplish what we wanted to. Time after time when you continually win and so many people are out there not wanting you to win – to lose at the very end just hurts. You know it is all for nothing."

And I'm even more glad that the Giants won. What the heck, they go 18-0 and just cuz they didn't win the Superbowl it means nothing? What a bunch of babies. :)

You probably won't hear football talk from me any time soon. Maybe ever.