
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Duck duck duck DUCK! whoops

These are my MIL's duck babies. Aren't they precious?? :)
My friend Kelly and I made sugar scrubs last night. She is uber handy at all this cool stuff!! We did a few different blends and made different scents. Mine are Ylang Ylang Vanilla, Lemon Sage and Lavendar Spearmint. Yum...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


So we went to see Hellboy 2 last night. I really liked it. Fantastic eye candy (ie. they visit the Troll Market). It had more of the same cheese factor that I loved about the first one and lots of great action sequences. All in all, two thumbs up!

Unique Kid Clothes

I'm digging this cute little dress from CourtneyCourtney.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The morel of the story.. (hee hee hee snort)

Earlier this summer C found one of these beauties hiding in our yard. Upon hunting we found three little brown paper bags full of them. Our friend Kirk came over and sauteed some in butter for us. They had a delicious, earthy flavor.

Friday, July 25, 2008


I love this mug from House Design.

And Inspiration Point put my earrings in her Treasury List on Etsy. I feel so flattered!

Thursday, July 24, 2008


An individualist is a man who says: “I will not run anyone’s life—nor let anyone run mine. I will not rule nor be ruled. I will not be a master nor a slave. I will not sacrifice myself to anyone—nor sacrifice anyone to myself.” Ayn Rand

I am all for individualism... What I am not for is the rampant self absorption that I see more and more of these days. There are other people living, breathing, and trying to survive in this world. Take care that you don't step all over them.

Good stuff...

My super cool and creative friend Kelly has opened an Etsy Shop. She sells Moody Mud - Aromatherapy Play Dough, check it out! Very cool... I designed a little shop banner for her, see below...


Zombie Couple from Loopy Boopy. Creeepy...
"Zombie Love is forever, unless of course there is an argument over fresh brains." so wrong....

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What makes you happy?

Happiness is:
Babies giving hugs and saying they love you.
Good hugs from friends.
Doggy kisses (not on the face though, eewww).
Strawberry cheesecake ice cream in a waffle cone, yummm.
Snorkeling with C and new friends.
Picking raspberries.
Mountain biking.
Chats with girlfriends (you know who you are!).
Laughs with friends.
Drawing my funny animals and people.

Tin Punch

These lovely lights on Oh Joy! made me think I should so some tin punch lights myself... Here's a how to guide for Tin punch lanterns from Thrifty Fun.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I'm loving this Death Cab for Cutie Gigposter from Nate Duval (seen on Oh Joy!). I used the Death Cab for Cutie song "Soul Meets Body" for my wedding march. *sigh** Good memories. And my friend Kelly and I saw them at the Buzz Under the Stars concert, although I gotta say that I thought The Kooks and Rogue Wave put on a better show. Of course I was getting sleepy so maybe it wasn't them being lame so much as me. ;)

Can't wait..

I want to go see Hellboy 2!! I loved the first one... It's action packed flick with an interesting story line. You can't help but love Hellboy. Can't wait to see the second!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Lovely weekend....

I rented Penelope, which was a very lovely movie, gorgeous colors, sets, costumes. The movie was sweet, but seemed a bit short to me; I would have liked more character development. More of her friendship with Annie and the bartender, etc. Picky picky, right?

Saw Mamma Mia. Mamma Mia is set in Greece so there's gorgeous scenery mixed with fun Abba songs, terrible singing by Pierce Brosnan and cheesy acting by all in the cast. Cute fluffy movie. :)
Pooch and I went mountain biking Sunday. It was HOT! I'd stop at any puddle or stream so he could lay down in an attempt to cool off. The path I like to take we go by a little pond that he likes to jump into. So after taking his swim he was doing his customary "drying off" by rolling around in the grass. He was right on the edge of the pond, head downhill, getting precariously close to falling in. I warned him, but... BLOOP, in he went. haha! Kinda slid in head first and then somersaulted around. Kooky dog.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Bird Feeder Stand

Here is the bird feeder stand that C helped me make. My Mom has something like this in her garden. The branch she and my Pops used has more character, but you gotta work with whatcha got. I'm going to put a bird house or perhaps another bird feeder on the lower branch. I left a nubbin' of a branch to hang a suet feeder. I need to get some bird seed for it!

Friday, July 18, 2008


Someone bought 3 onesies from my Etsy store yesterday. They wanted it shipped direct to a friend so I included this card (i've censored for privacy). I hope they like it! So exciting to have an order!!

Friday Archives

Here's an oldie.  I drew this for my friend Big Larr cuz he's afraid of whales.  Heh heh.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Illustration Friday - Fog

The Ghost Ship floats by sometimes on foggy nights...  

Stuff to check out

Eight ways to make a million from MSN Money. I would LOVE to make a million, then I'd be free to art and craft and garden my days away.... *sigh**

Speaking of gardening, I've been having some iffy hair days lately and I have finally figured out how to make my hair look better. After a long bad hair day, I go hoe like a crazy woman in the garden for 1/2 hr to an hour and VOILA my hair is full and nicely curly. Just wish I could get the look without ending up stinking.

CB2- Crate and Barrel 2. Super cute stuff, like this green desk. You have to add the file cabinet to get the full effect, which puts it way out of my spending limit, but it's super cute nonetheless. :D

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wednesday Whims

Queen Anne's Lace in the backyard...

This Brad Paisley Song, Me Neither, cracks C and I up.  I don't know if any of you out there likes country or not, but regardless it's a funny song.  :)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Monday, July 14, 2008

Cheery for a Monday...

Juicy lemon apron from Pretty Industries.

It's a gorgeous day outside, yet for some reason I am bummin'. I need to cheer up. Might need some retail therapy. :D


C and I saw Wanted this weekend. It was quite gory, but action packed. Angeline Jolie is such a bad mambajamba in it! The one really disconcerting thing about the movie is that two guys brought a little kid to it, about 4 years old. And there were some racy scenes and a lot of bad language. They didn't even flinch and the kid just sat and watched it. That is messed up.

We saw Hancock a while back. It wasn't what I was expecting, but I liked it. Kind of a different superhero concept, but whatever, enjoyable action flick.

Lovely Pendant

Lonesome Jenny Wren necklace from Jemima Lumley.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Chicken cuteness

Modern Chick Bowl from Shoshona Snow Ceramics. Heh heh, aren't the cute?

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Rainy Saturday

Cute pendant, Dog Jumped Over the Moon, from Mark Poulin Enamel Jewelry.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Blackbird Princess

This isn't from too far back in the archives. Last year perhaps? :)

"my name is kim sam soon"

"my name is kim sam soon"
Originally uploaded by crafting with love.

I got caught up watching this Korean drama on Youtube yesterday. :) Pretty cute.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Spot on Yahoo!

Okay, you simply MUST read this great tips from Yahoo on how to show your date you're interested in them. Mind blowing! Especially number 2:

Smile or laugh a bit when your date says something funny.

WHAT?? What will they think of next, crazy kids. :D


C and I went on a bike ride around our 'hood last night. It's pretty and hilly, a nice ride. EXCEPT when the dogs from a certain house at the top of a hill chase us. On the first pass of the house we are going down hill on the same side as them. Not too bad because usually by the time they spot us we are whizzing by too fast to chase.

On the way UP the hill, usually they don't run out across the street, but last night they did. Both of them and then from nowhere a 3rd dog I'd never seen there before. The other two dogs headed at C behind me and the third dog ran after me. I cranked up that hill faster than I ever have.

Nothing to Declare by Mary Morris

After reading Eat Pray Love, I was excited to read another travel/personal discovery story. I picked Nothing to Declare by Mary Morris and was hugely disappointed. She had a lot to declare on how annoying the people she was hanging out with were, how lonely she was, how annoying it was of her boyfriend to take care of her like he did. If whining every 5 pages that she was lonely, so lonely, made this a journey of self discovery then I'd like to inform you I'm an uncle! To these monkeys. Aren't they cute?

Golden monkey
Originally uploaded by

She found the boyfriend in San Miguel, Mexico after being there for a few weeks. She kept going to stay with him in Mexico City, where she would complain about hating it in his apartment. After traveling around Central America and nearly going to Panama with a man she meets, she goes back to her boyfriend's place in Mexico City and once again is a miserable P.I.T.A. They part on less than stellar terms and she goes back to San Miguel. Then when he doesn't show up for a planned visit she goes into paroxysms of woe. She keeps asking her neighbor Lupe (who is struggling to feed her children) if he has left her. GOOD GRIEF.

I suppose I finished the book because I thought perhaps her journey of self discovery would make her a better person. Instead it just ended with her coming back to the US.

SKIP THIS BOOK and read Eat Pray Love instead!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I'm loving this sea turtle print from Travelographer. Could sea turtles look any cooler without just freezin' the ocean? I love their sweet faces and their cool textures.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Friday Archives

I may have already posted this one at some point, but it's an oldie of mine.  This was inspired by the strawberry cake at Broadway Coffee Shop.  Um um good...

Thursday, July 3, 2008


I'm loving this top from Chopstix Waits.

I hope all of you have tomorrow off like I do. I'm really looking forward to more chill time!

More silliness from the home of Magpieskinnies. I told C that I was nervous/upset about a work dealy and here's how it went down after that:
C: Don't worry, you'll be fine and you'll be bouncin' around like a rubber chicken.
Me (laughing): What? That's weird. I'm going to say that to you the next time you're stressed.
C: You can't say that! That one's mine.
Me: Okay then I'll say, Don't worry C, it'll be fine and you'll be eating leaves off the top of a tree like a giraffe. You'll be swimmin' like a plastic wind up frog.

Okay, so we're weird. Sue me.

The Pooch

The Pooch chillin' in the pond (the pond had an algae situation, which has since cleared up).