
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

6 weeks old...

So 6 weeks old is supposed to be the peak of fussiness for babies and today Peep is 6 weeks old...  Already I'm noticing that she's a bit easier to soothe, fussy periods do not last as long and for the most part today had a reason (wet diaper, hungry, etc.).  Everyone kept telling me it would get easier and it looks like perhaps they were right.  ;)

Peep smiled at me yesterday morning when I was changing her diaper.  She has a cute little dimply grin and she scrunches up her shoulders when she smiles really big.  It was so adorable and made my day.  She smiled at me today after I told her I had no idea what I was doing.  Then she promptly started wailing.  A test?  I got a couple smiles from her this evening.  Things are definitely looking up!

And here's a cool pic C took of his '62 Galaxie...  

Monday, July 13, 2009

Motherhood - One month in...

So far motherhood has been much tougher than I had even anticipated.  The first nights in the hospital I thought I was being so smart by feeding Peep and then letting her go to the nursery. I would be refreshed and ready to take on anything when I got home.  HA! 

I hadn't anticipated recovery from birth, a fussy baby who did not go to sleep at night, and a lot of difficulties nursing that resulted in anxiety and stress...  

But at Peep's two week check up her doctor recommended the book, Happiest Baby on the Block and I just happened to have the DVD from a friend.  We watched that and with swaddling we now had a method for soothing a fussy girl.  I recovered from childbirth and started getting out exercising (with my lovely supportive family) and my energy started to return.  And I'd love to say that nursing became easy for us, but that is just not the case, however, we are coping with that...

Still it's not easy...  I find myself tensing at the slightest peep afraid that she'll wake up.  At which I wonder, why am I afraid?  I know what to do to calm her (feed, burp, change, bounce, repeat, repeat in reverse order, feed, change and so on and so forth!)....

Right now the little angel is napping...  Who knows what the day will bring.  I just hope that I'm up for the challenge.


2 weeks - "Ohhhhh nooo..."

2 weeks, lookin' at the blue fish on her bouncy seat...

Peep at 1 month - Polka dots...

1 month - Pooh outfit...

1 month - Serious face...