
Friday, January 28, 2011


Doreto Batik Caftan Dress

I ran across the blog Corks and Caftans while doing a search on caftans, which I thought might be cute maternity/nursing wear.

Corks and Caftans mentions this Doreto Batik caftan dress as a must have and it is super cute, but I am a tight wad, so after searching Ebay to no avail, I started looking up patterns.  Here are some cute/interesting ideas I've found:

First this pattern looks super simple and might be my first effort.

This one looks pretty elegant and I don't know when or if I'd wear it, but I like it.

No pattern here, but it looks like a scarf sewn together with a neck hole added?

This one's cute, but might be more complicated.  I didn't open up all the individual pdfs.  Looks like someone (uhhh ummm!) needs to learn more about pdf making, eeesh.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Here's the pic I mentioned from the other morning where Peep had pulled her arm out of her jammies.  She is such a little crack up.  :D

Monday, January 10, 2011

Funny little girl...

My bright shining star, what a fun little person.

Yesterday I said to her, "Did you poop?" She's says, "I boop."  haha!  So then this morning we're at the doctor waiting for my appointment and she says, "I boop."  She just says it so matter of factly and it slays me.  And it was no joke, she did boop.  ha!

She's saying more and more words every day.  Yesterday she said duck, plain as can be after months of saying duh for duck.  This morning she said doctor.  She says color, but it sounds funny like cuhler.

Baby #2

We had our sonogram this a.m. and I'm so excited!!  We're having a little boy and so far, everything looks just fine.  I think Peep is going to be a wonderful big sis!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Peep speak...

It's so amazing watching Peep learn to talk...

Some of the words she puts her own interesting twist on:
Milk - molk, molko, MOLKOOOOOO
Snack - nack, nacko
Pumpkin - pumpball
Nana - papa, mom-o, nani
Dog - dado, dawg
Cousin - E-hee, E, E-an
J Cousins and J aunt, uncle - Geegee
Tractor - dracdoor

She says a bunch of other words and in the last few weeks has started repeating words we say, what a little character.

Some funny stories of late.

This a.m. I go in to Peep's room to get her up and instead of her usual speech (daddy, papa, booboo, baby, etc.), she says, "Uh oh."  I take a closer look and she'd pulled one of her arms out of her pajamas.  I went and got the camera and she smiled really big for a picture. haha!

Yesterday I was in the kitchen writing a grocery list and Peep runs up, hands me her diaper and says, "I take this off."  Then runs away.  I had to chase her around and around before I finally caught the naked little character.

I took her downstairs at my folks over Christmas and changed her diaper and took off her pajamas. She got away from my mom and I and went all the way upstairs by herself.  Once she got up there she started running up and down the house giggling and shrieking.  She loves putting one over on her Mommy.  :D

Good reads of 2010

I love to read...  When I was a kid my mom would take me to the library and I'd get a big pile of books.  A few days later when I'd read them all, I'd beg her to take me back.  I'm still reading, and thought I'd share some faves.  Here's 2009's list, and here's my 2010 list.  Enjoy!!!

Such a Pretty Face and Henry's Sisters by Cathy Lamb, she's SO good.

The School of Essential Ingredients by Erica Bauermeister

Bread Alone by Judith R. Hendricks

True Colors by Kristin Hannah

The Apothecary's Daughter by Julie Klassen

The Reluctant Heiress by Eva Ibbotson

The Thing about Jane Spring by Sharon Krum