
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

6 weeks old...

So 6 weeks old is supposed to be the peak of fussiness for babies and today Peep is 6 weeks old...  Already I'm noticing that she's a bit easier to soothe, fussy periods do not last as long and for the most part today had a reason (wet diaper, hungry, etc.).  Everyone kept telling me it would get easier and it looks like perhaps they were right.  ;)

Peep smiled at me yesterday morning when I was changing her diaper.  She has a cute little dimply grin and she scrunches up her shoulders when she smiles really big.  It was so adorable and made my day.  She smiled at me today after I told her I had no idea what I was doing.  Then she promptly started wailing.  A test?  I got a couple smiles from her this evening.  Things are definitely looking up!

And here's a cool pic C took of his '62 Galaxie...  


  1. Way to go MOM!

  2. Like my mom always said, "paybacks are hell." LOL. It does get better! She's a sweetie.

  3. Oh, I wish I could help sooth your heart. Motherhood is tough and great all at the same time. The only advice I like to give is this. Happy mommies, make for happy babies. If you and Ruby need to sit on the floor and stare at each other all day because that's what make you both happy, then do it, and don't let anyone give you grief about it. Trust yourself and have fun! Yes motherhood can be fun, it is allowed! :)
