
Monday, July 16, 2007

Wedding Invitation

Wedding Invitation
Originally uploaded by
Magpie Skinny.

This is the invite I designed for the wedding using Jason Gaylord's photoshop brushes.

The wedding plans are coming along nicely. C is afraid it's going to get too hectic and we won't be able to enjoy the day. I'm doing my best to plan everything out as well as possible and as simply as possible so that we can enjoy ourselves. Otherwise, what's the point! :)

The prices of wedding bits and pieces are shocking. A cake for $300? ZOINKS! I'm trying to keep the budget low cuz that's just how we roll. I love to bargain hunt and I prefer to find thrifty routes. But I think it'll still be pretty. I'll post pics afterwards!

I had an illustration published in Dirt Rag Magazine. I'm so stoked about it. Check it out here.

We went and saw Poison last night. They rocked the house for old guys. :) Hearing their old hits brought back old memories from my youth. Ratt opened for them. Good times.

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