
Monday, April 14, 2014

Petite ReviMo April Day 1 with Angie Karcher

Hello ReviMoers!
RhyPiBoMo is in full swing and together, we have focused on the poetry connection to writing rhyming picture books and how rhythm and rhyme enhances our writing. Now, it’s time to focus on the picture book part and revision is the key, especially in a rhyming book.

Meg has done a great job of sharing all the important components of revision. I personally think that writing a rhyming picture book is one of the most difficult things a writer will ever do, if done well! So, it makes sense that revising a RPB will be more intense, more difficult and more rewarding when complete!

You have all your usual necessities, as with revising any picture add in some new rhyming antics and that check list of what to do is growing by the minute.

I created a friendly, colorful, Post-it graphic to help you get started. I thought it might look less daunting this way. There are lots and lots of revision check lists out there but I never seem to follow the list in order.  My graphic is quite a bit less rigid, but it should still get you where you want to go!
Click to enlarge, print and/or save!

Start at the top left of the board, and work your way down and over to the bottom right…
The Orange Post-its are significant because these involve rhyme and poetry revisions.
You must do everything you always do when revising! No exceptions!

But now, you get to add in the orange Post-its too...Those orange Post-its will begin to transform your manuscript into glorious shades of golden, lyrical voice, hues of yellow, rhythmic meter and brilliant, burgundy rhyme. When it begins to glow perfection like a late, fall sunset then, and only then, may you sit a while and reflect proudly at all you have created.
Then have it critiqued again! Ha! Ha! Thought you were done didn’t you!
Thank you Angie! Happy revising everyone!


  1. Dawn Young10:58 PM

    Thanks for another Petite ReviMo Meg!
    Thanks Angie - looks like an invitation to a revision party! Woo hoo! Add cake and start cutting, and not just the cake ;)

  2. Pamela Courtney11:22 PM

    I'm due to have my rhyming pb draft critiqued on 4/16. It is not doing very well. However, I'm enjoying the learning process. Angie, thank you for some amazing lessons and activities in RhyPiBoMo. And Meg, creating a supportive network that engages us in the all important task of revision is greatly appreciated. Thank you both for all the hard work on behalf of kidlitters.

  3. Julie Fulton3:42 AM

    As someone who writes most of their PBs in rhyme, I think this is this is a brilliant post. Love the post-it notes graphic!

  4. Cecilia Clark3:43 AM

    thanks Angie and Meg. I almost quit story writing during an exoskeletal(existential) crisis in the wee small hours and considered going back to the dreaded day job but I slept on it so I am okay today and I had a dose of good rhyme thanks to Angie and bought a rhyming picture book so life is good again. :)

  5. Nata ArtistaDonna7:32 AM

    Thank you Angie and Meg!

  6. MegMillerWrites7:50 AM

    You're so welcome! Wishing you productive revisions! :D

  7. MegMillerWrites7:52 AM

    haha! Sometimes, I think exoskeletal (heh heh) crisis are as much a part of writing as revisions! Happy rhyming and revising Cecilia!

  8. MegMillerWrites7:53 AM

    It is brilliant and concise isn't it? Enjoy and happy revising, Julie! :D

  9. Joanne Sher8:02 AM

    So loving RhyPiBoMo - AND ReviMo - just got my crits back from my rhyming critique group, and planning to go through them and see what I can "fix" over the next couple days. Thanks, ladies!!

  10. MegMillerWrites9:05 AM

    You're so welcome! Hopefully you get some inspiration for great revisions on your rhyming PB draft. :D

  11. MegMillerWrites9:06 AM

    You're more than welcome! It's a treat to revise with you all. :D Happy revising Dawn!

  12. Vivian Kirkfield10:21 AM

    We are so fortunate to have people like Angie and Meg who are willing to organize these amazing challenges that inspire and info! Angie, this post-it board will be a great help to me as I revise. Meg...perfect time for Petite ReviMo...I need to get busy revising my poem for the RhyPiBoMo contest...perfect synergy. :)

  13. Angie Karcher2:29 PM

    I love it Wendy! I think I could market that game! LOL

  14. AnneBielby3:58 PM

    Thanks, look forward to trying this.

  15. Before I could type my comment, my eye was drawn to Wendy's! That's too funny. I like the chart.

  16. Hahahaha, Wendy's comment gave me the giggles. Thank you Meg and Angie. Angie, that graphic is cool. You're cool. Aw heck! We're all cool. (Except me. My kids think I'm way NOT cool.) Off I go. Meg, I didn't get this in my inbox. Wonder why. *sigh* xoxo

  17. Christine Irvin6:07 PM

    Thanks, Angie (and Meg)!

  18. Damon Dean10:06 PM

    Hang in there Cecilia!

  19. Damon Dean10:12 PM

    Thanks Angie for a great tool to revise! I'm a rhymer and need this 'comprehensive' list so much. This will be a tremendous help. Will print it poster size and put on the wall in my writing space. (Thanks Meg)

  20. Cecilia Clark12:27 AM

    thanks Damon, nothing looks so bad on the good side of a decent sleep. :)

  21. Lauri Meyers7:22 PM

    Angie you are far too busy with RhyPiBoMo to do this too!! But I'm glad you did. Love the post it note picture of revision checks.
