
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Thursday - ReviMo Classroom Style Day 4 with Meg Miller

Once I write something, it's hard for me to go back and revise it. My eyeballs don't want to read it and my brain tries to tell me that the story is finished. This doesn't actually work for writing! I make grammar mistakes, part of my story is unclear, my story doesn't flow, or sometimes I need to add detail to add spice to the story.

Fortunately there are some tricks to get a new perspective on a story and jump start revisions! 

Tricks to jumpstart revisions:

1. Read a story you really enjoy, this helps get you into story writing mode.

2. Pretend your story is a movie and watch it in your head. Is it interesting? Does it make sense? Are there some details you can add to make your story more clear?

3. Have someone else read your story out loud. This is a great way to get a fresh perspective on your story!

Happy revising!

Meg Miller is a writer and an artist. She stays at home with her two kids who are 4 and 2 years old. Her husband is an engineer at a car company. They have two chickens, Macaroni and Doris, who each lay an egg a day. A dog who doesn't lay eggs, but likes to herd chickens. :)


  1. Meg, you're spot on, pal. I love what you said to all the kids here. (And you may have even reminded their teachers.) *ahem* I especially love the second one. Thanks Meg. I so want this to be a success because my kids are loving it.

  2. MegMillerWrites8:15 PM

    haha! Thank you my friend! I'm glad your kiddos are enjoying it! Would you be interested in sharing what the are they working on? Fiction stories or research papers or... ?

  3. Fiction! (My daughter Ivy is an artist too.) All fiction. Really good stories and one poem. :-)

  4. Cecilia Clark9:02 PM

    I simply have to leave it alone for a while. Someone else reading it is a terrific idea and i always read ti over the phone to my sister because she lets me stop mid sentence to fix the spelling. I like your suggestion Meg of pretending it is a movie which would really help set imagery/visuals in place. Great ideas, thanks.

  5. Vivian Kirkfield9:33 PM

    I LOVE the idea of thinking of my story as a movie...I am working on revising one now that would totally lend itself to that! Thanks, Meg!

  6. Joanne Sher7:39 AM

    It is AMAZING to me how helpful I find it to have my story read to me aloud. And the movie thing TOTALLY intrigues me. Thanks Meg!

  7. MegMillerWrites8:39 PM

    So welcome! Thanks for coming by and commenting Joanne! :D

  8. MegMillerWrites8:39 PM

    Most welcome! Thanks to you Vivian!!

  9. MegMillerWrites8:39 PM

    Very welcome! Thanks for popping by Cecilia! :D

  10. MegMillerWrites8:40 PM

    VERY cool!!! :D
