
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

ReviMo Day 4 with Meg, the Megster, the Meganator...

Okay, today is going to be GRUELING. Get ready to WORK!

Juuuuuuust kidding! 

Today we are going to get in touch with our "broccoli" as Anne Lamott calls our intuition, that small voice inside you [Bird by Bird: Part Two: Broccoli]. "You need your broccoli in order to write well." You need your broccoli to KNOW what your character will do. Anne says we lose our intuition as kids. I wonder if some of us don't lose it as adults, when we live by to-do list, with little time to daydream. 

To reconnect with your intuition, "stop the chattering of the rational mind." Then give your intuition some room to breathe. If you give it some space it "wafts up from the soul", but crowd it and it "becomes a fitful little flame." Too much "manic attention" and it will be blown out.

image from

"So try to calm down, get quiet, breathe and listen." "Stop trying to control your mind so much," let it wander and
wonder a bit.

To this end, I'd like you to take paper and a writing utensil, find a cozy quiet spot and relax for a half hour or longer . . .

Happy broccoli hunting! 


  1. Linda Schueler2:46 AM

    Mmmm, broccoli. What? Sorry I was daydreaming. Oh, that's what we're supposed to be doing. Right. Mmmm, broccoli with cheese sauce.

  2. Lori Mozdzierz4:18 AM

    Intuition can get squished in adulthood if we don't remain centered.
    An open mind is a creative mind.

    Meg, your Halloween costume for this year . . . the Meganator :D

  3. flintsuter4:55 AM

    Linda Scheuler ran away with my exact day dream! Now I am listening to my tea kettle with no whistle trying to tell me the water is just right for tea...pssweet, pst, PSSSSSSSTTTTWWEEEEEET!! Oh, I think I just had inspiration about a voiceless kettle! Love this post, am going to gather all my imaginary friends and have a tea party instead of breakfast today!

  4. Rebecca Sheraton5:13 AM

    Permission to daydream. I love it. I once had written on my report card: Rebecca has a tendency to daydream. Now I have permission to.

  5. Cecilia Clark6:16 AM

    Dear Meg, tonight for my birthday dinner I had a roast with broccoli and cheese and all the other roasty yum vegetables. I also had a magnificent cake made by my daughter, a rafaello cake with coconut and white chocolate ganache, which has a whole story in its making. The three of my grown up kids sharing my meal with me, fought over the broccoli, in a laughing fun way, because I am an ex chef (does one ever become an ex chef?) and they have always loved broccoli, so before I slide into bed this wonderful day I shall do some quiet thinking and revising and contemplate the empty broccoli tray.

  6. Tina Cho6:24 AM

    This is what I need for a story I'm stuck on. Maybe I should make broccoli soup as I daydream. Thanks, Meg!

  7. Rebecca Colby6:26 AM

    It took a long time for me to realize that daydreaming was writing. Going to become one with the broccoli now. :)

  8. Kimberly Cowger6:30 AM

    Recently found out my hubby isn't a fan of raw broccoli, OK--more for me!

  9. May the broccoli be with you! Thanks, Meg! :)

  10. pathaap7:25 AM

    Wander and wonder - I love it and am ready for it!

  11. Rachel Stones7:29 AM

    "Stop trying to control your mind so much," let it wander and wonder a bit."

    Love this! My mind does its best wandering when I'm either in the shower or running.

  12. Joanne Sher7:38 AM

    LOVE it - letting my mind wander AND wonder. Cuz the next story I'm revising ABSOLUTELY needs it. Thanks, Meganator! ;)

  13. Joanne Sher7:39 AM

    Hehe - I have that VERY same thing going through MY head when I hear or think of broccoli. Great giggles! And Bird by Bird is ABSOLUTELY worth the read, Renee. You will LOVE it!

  14. Carrie Finison7:44 AM

    That sounds lovely!

  15. Tanya Konerman8:01 AM

    Plan to do this but don't want to get TOO cozy or I might fall asleep. But maybe that's okay if something comes to me in my dreams!

  16. Mmm...broccoli salad with raisins and bacon bits! What a tasty tip!

  17. Cheryl Secomb8:41 AM

    Love the post, Meg. Wonderful, inspiring advice. Thank you!

  18. Whoot! Can I stay in my jammies too? Just Kidding. I've got a particular rabbit trail I want to follow in today's revisions, but I promise to spend a little time in the quiet on the couch. Thanks.

  19. Juliana Lee8:50 AM

    Broccoli... it does a story good. My best ideas form as I'm falling asleep or waking up. I try to write them down right away and then I check them in the light of day for credibility.

  20. Sharalyn A. Edgeberg9:18 AM

    Yes, good advice. Favorite words: Intuition. daydream, wander, and wonder. Favorite line: You need your broccoli to KNOW what your character will do. Thanks Meg.

  21. Sue Heavenrich9:23 AM

    Dipping my broccoli in Chocolate - hope that's OK because.... just chocolate. And writing. together/ often on the same page. (rubbing chocolate smears off bottom of story manuscript.... good thing it's a rough draft!)

  22. Sue Poduska9:36 AM


  23. deborahhwilliams10:07 AM

    Sometimes I have to leave home and go to the coffee shop or library to listen to my intuition. I love my room, but I hear bills saying "pay me!" and the litter box saying "scoop me!" etc. Love Bird by Bird, still hate broccoli!

  24. Kathy Halsey10:14 AM

    As you know, Meg, we are reading Ann in the Word by Word group and i had forgotten about broccoli. I am not going to take today so seriously and I am going to play w/my broccoli. I have 2 stories that are about food and and i am going to play and make a MESS. Perfect post for me, Meganator.

  25. Kathy Halsey10:16 AM

    Deb, you are everywhere, like me. You'll hatchback up. Remember while eating our broccoli we also must BREATHE.

  26. Kirsten Peavy Bock10:16 AM

    I love Anne Lamott. Her book is beautiful. Thanks for encouraging us to breathe!

  27. I'd love to comment on your post, but I'm off to find a cozy quiet spot to relax for a half hour or longer...

  28. LOL Kathy! You ARE everywhere! Yes, broccoli and breathing. I'll keep the two Bs in mind. See you around the Internet! :-)

  29. Vivian Kirkfield10:20 AM

    What fun to have you refer to 'broccoli' and Bird by Bird and I actually know what you are talking about! I'm so happy to be a part of the Book by Book Club with you, Meg...Anne Lamont's book has been very empowering for me. I find myself revising in a different way...more willing to 'play' with my ms and totally change POV, tense, plot...just to see what happens. :)
    Sorry I can't stay...I'm off to 'play' with one of my stories. ;) Great post, Meg!

  30. Rene` Diane Aube10:20 AM

    My mind has to do a lot of wandering and wondering today...turning a rhyming manuscript *that I love* on its head, into prose to see where it goes. You're'll be grueling...better check out that broccoli chapter I haven't yet read, too.

  31. Charlotte Dixon11:24 AM

    Now I want some broccoli and spinach dip in a sourdough bowl! I am going to take that time to daydream and nibble :) Love the post and inspiration, Meg!

  32. jan godown annino11:48 AM


    sound of greening here thanks to meg, (the) megster, meganator & yes - my longtime guide, wonderful ms. a.l.

    predicting a garden of mosey, on previously blank pages.

  33. Janie Reinart11:49 AM

    Thanks Meg. Veggies are good for you! Go green! I will stop trying to be a control freak!!

  34. Rena Traxel Boudreau12:29 PM

    Lol. I love broccoli.

  35. Sandy P12:41 PM

    Now that's the kind of writing advice I like! And it's so true: forcing doesn't work nearly as well as when I relax a bit more and play with my words and story.

  36. I like the paper and writing utensil idea-after a broccoli feast of course! Thanks

  37. saputnam1:03 PM

    I love
    broccoli, whether growing it or eating it!! I tend
    to let my mind wander quite a bit… probably more than I should, as I get my
    best ideas either sitting out on the deck and watching the day awaken, or getting
    my hands dirty puttering around in the garden.

  38. Beth A1:19 PM

    Gosh, Broccoli is more important than I'd thought! Bird by Bird is perched on my shelf waiting....... it's now next in line. Thanks!

  39. Maria Oka1:21 PM

    Relaxing with a laptop...does that count? I made a revision binder this morning with all of the stories I'm hoping to revise, and I'm excited to dive in. Thank you!

  40. Gabi Snyder1:36 PM

    What you said about the problem of living by to-do list really resonates with me. I agree -- we have to give ourselves a little time and space to daydream and reconnect with that inner voice. Thank you!

  41. MegMillerWrites1:37 PM

    It's a great book! Love out loud moments, painful but true writing moments. I hadn't realized it, but this is perfect, a tester for Bird by Bird AND revision inspiration... :D

  42. MegMillerWrites1:37 PM

    So agree! :D

  43. MegMillerWrites1:38 PM

    Umm... chocolate. Now mine will have a bit of chocolate too. :D I think it's allowed, since it's a standard writer's fuel, right?

  44. MegMillerWrites1:39 PM

    Absolutely! :D And you're so welcome!!

  45. MegMillerWrites1:39 PM

    You'll love it Beth! :D

  46. Maria Marshall1:41 PM

    Renee, you'll love the book. That's for a reminder to sit still and listen!

  47. MegMillerWrites1:43 PM

    I'm so good... I can inspire and send out tiny guilt trips all at the same time! LOL! I have to catch up too, I didn't read last weeks and I haven't read this weeks. DOH!

  48. MegMillerWrites1:44 PM

    Thanks everyone for your sweet, fun and funny comments!!! I'd love to reply to all, but I'm snatching time while little man plays with trucks! :D

  49. Thanks for the post. Sometimes that half hour of quiet is hard to find. But it is worth pursuing.

  50. I took my paper to a quiet corner...and fell asleep! Ack...I fear I may not finish ReviMo this year.

  51. Christine Irvin2:39 PM

    It just so happens I like broccoli a lot!! :)

  52. Ramona3:21 PM

    The subject of Broccolli is perfect timing for my hippie themed PB I was revising this morning - I must read Bird By Bird too!

  53. Angie Karcher3:42 PM

    I'll take a bunch of broccoli with a little ranch dip on the side while I'm revising! Thx Meg!

  54. Sydney O'Neill4:27 PM

    My rational mind hasn't said a word today. I hope that means the broccoli is woking. Maybe I should find some chocolate to be sure.

  55. Anita Banks4:49 PM

    Yum, chocolate......

  56. Leslie Coli Tribble5:07 PM

    My rational mind bellows constantly but just maybe I can shush it and allow that intuition to whisper. Not a big fan of broccoli so I'll think of it as a marshmallow that melts and infuses the hot chocolate!

  57. You must be the third person in three days mentioning Anne Lamott to me. Guess I'd better get that book! And I love our "assignment" for today. Time to get cozy and relax!

  58. Oh Meg, I so need to do this. I'm way to logical and linear in my thought. It does get in the way. Although, I notice that when the ideas are coming fast and strong, this logical, linear part of my thought process disappears. It's almost as though the two cannot exist at the same time. Great post. Thanks Meg for Revimo.

  59. Jennifer Larson5:47 PM

    I am in need of my "broccoli" today, so I best get the book and figure it out. :)

  60. I really like this...let your mind "wander and wonder"...perfect!

  61. Shirley Johnson6:14 PM

    Love this post! Thanks for sharing.

  62. That's my problem. Trying to control my mind. I need TO LET LOOSE! YEAH. I'm feelin' it! You know I love that book, Meg.

  63. Lisa Rivard6:56 PM

    You crack me up!

  64. Thanks for the post! Wonderful!

  65. Tracy Molitors7:34 PM

    Thanks, Meg. Great advice! Also, a good reminder: I have had Bird by Bird on my 'need to read' list for so long that I forgot about it again.

  66. Tracey Cox8:19 PM

    Thanks, Meg. I have to remind myself to take the time to wander, doodle, play. It does our minds good to just let go sometimes. Just for the fun of it.

  67. Pamela Courtney9:03 PM

    Renee, this is so funny because whenever we have broccoli at school, my entire class will start singing that song. My co-workers can't believe I taught the song to my class.

  68. Pamela Courtney9:05 PM

    Why do we neglect that amazing gift of intuition? I can totally recall so many times when it has served me so well. I have not been purposeful with that in my writing. That is unfortunate. Okay, eye opening post and I thank you.

  69. Love this post! Perfect for much more than revisions! Thank you!

  70. I love Anne and Bird by Bird! :) And I appreciate your reminder to find a quiet place to let our intuition waft! I need some intuition-wafting right now!

  71. Nat Keller6:13 AM

    I think sometimes, you can get a breakthrough by letting your mind meander a bit.. Thanks Meg!

  72. I will never look at my veggie bin the same way. Does it help if you eat it?

  73. Joy Delgado7:49 AM

    Love this! My mind wander and wonders a lot. Now I know this is a good thing.

  74. Yes to the broccoli!

  75. Doris Stone8:29 AM

    I love "Bird by Bird." Thanks Meg for reminding me to pull out my copy and reread it. Great post and marvelous advice, Now, I'm off for some serious brain-decluttering and a lunch of broccoli cheese soup.

  76. Dawn Young3:28 PM

    Thanks Meg. Great post :)

  77. Laurie J. Edwards10:18 PM

    Getting in touch with intuition is so important to do. And now to go off to do it...

  78. You know Meg, the best thing about broccoli is once you have chopped the large first heads of the season it continues to bud forth small tasty heads all through the fall.
    Cheers! Here's to broccoli thinking. lol

  79. Carol Munro12:25 PM

    I think I have to go find my copy of Bird by Bird.

  80. pennyklostermann7:45 AM I need broccoli this week. My mind is spinning with everything BUT my own writing! I know that when I feel overwhelmed and have that To-do list managing me instead of me managing it, that my creativity suffers. I'm going to breath and find my and try to stop the chattering of my rational mind!

  81. Lauren Kerstein11:52 AM

    "stop the chattering of the rational mind" Advice I must follow! Thank you!

  82. Lauri Meyers5:47 PM

    Meg, Are you in my brain right now? I have a severe problem with command and control leadership of my thoughts. Forcing myself into yoga, driving, and things where I can't distract myself are my only hope!

  83. Okay, okay! I'll try to stop controling my mind so much! Easier said; right? Time to wander and wonder. Thank you. ~Suzy Leopold

  84. Yvonne Mes8:42 PM

    Hmm, I don't know about that Broccoli! But I am all for day dreaming and finding space to let the mind wander.

  85. Annie Bailey1:10 AM

    Did lots of broccoli hunting this past week . . . and more to come!

  86. Laura Zimmermann8:54 AM

    Somehow I missed posting on this one. Can one have broccoli overload? I overslept after a late night revising. I was a bit
    late to work, but totally worth it. :)

  87. MegMillerWrites8:16 PM

    Thanks friend! :D If you'd have been here, we'd have giggled the evening away while I wrote it. :D :D xo
