
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Drum Roll Please ******** ReviMo 2014 Prize Winners ********

Winners of the ReviMo 2014 Prizes are . . .

Monica Lauscher
*Simone Kaplan picture book critique*

Janie Reinart
*Making Picture Book Magic Class*

Becky Fyfe
*Basic Rate Your Story 2014 Membership*

 Lauri C. Meyers
*The Children's Book Academy's Grammar Groove Course*

And even more winners!!!!!!

Hannah Holt
*A chance to submit to Hummingbird Literary*

Judy Rubin
*A critique from Miranda Paul*

Milka Pejovic
*Critique of a query letter from Miranda Paul*

Rena Traxel Boudreau
*Picture book critique Margo Dill, Editor 911*

 Kirsten Larson
*Picture book critique Alayne Kay Christian*

 Lisa Connors
*Nonfiction PB critique Kristen McGill Fulton*

Sharon Putnam 
*A 30-minute consultation with Julie Hedlund*

Julie Beturne
*Beth Stilborn's Flubs 2 Fixes Copy Editing Service for 1 or 2 PB MS*
Melanie Ellsworth
*Beth Stilborn's Flubs 2 Fixes Copy Editing Service for One-Page Query Letter*

 Laura Renauld
*Copy of Linda Ashman's Nuts & Bolts of Picture Book Writing*

 Nancy Furstinger
*Signed book and swag from Ame Dyckman*

Winners I will be in touch with you, via email, about collecting your prize. If you don't see my email, check spam folder or contact me! 

Thank you all for participating in ReviMo. As many people said, the best prize is a revised manuscript and putting B.I.C. (booty in chair), but still I wish I had a prize for everyone! There will be more ReviMo events in the future, I hope you'll join us again!

Be sure to check out the CafePress Shop! All proceeds (through Wed. Jan. 22nd) will go to Reading is Fundamental.

And if you haven't signed up for Mira's FREE Webinar, Writing Cover Letters and Pitches that Agents and Editors Want to Read, be sure to do so HERE!


  1. animalauthor8:53 AM

    How exciting--I love Ame's books! And thanks for the nudges to revise.

  2. Sophia Mallonée8:58 AM

    Congrats to you all!

  3. Deirdre Sheridan Englehart9:03 AM

    Meg, Thanks for the motivation, it has been a great week!
    Congratulations to everyone!

  4. Lisa Connors9:06 AM

    Wow! A prize on top of revision motivation. Thanks so much Meg!

  5. saputnam9:07 AM

    Wow, thank you! I was totally amazed to see my name listed. Congratulations to all the winners!

  6. YaY congrads to everyone! And many thanks to Meg for puttin' the whole shindig together. It was wonderful!

  7. Ronna Mandel9:11 AM

    Congrats to all the lucky winners! I enjoyed every moment of ReViMo!! Thanks a million, Meg.

  8. Juliana Lee9:11 AM

    Congratulations Winners! And a big THANK YOU to Meg! ReviMo was inspiring and motivational, so we're all winners too.

  9. Alayne Kay Christian9:11 AM

    Amazing prizes! Congratulations to all you winners of prizes. And congratulations to all you winners who ended the challenge with revised manuscripts.

  10. Debra Shumaker9:13 AM

    Those were some fantastic prizes. Congrats to all the winners and thanks again Meg for a fabulous week!

  11. Sylvia Liu9:35 AM

    Congrats to all you lucky winners!

  12. Sue Heavenrich9:41 AM

    congratulations everyone - to those who won tangible prizes and to everyone who walks off with revised manuscripts!

  13. Damon Dean9:46 AM

    Congratulations to our winners! Great prizes, and fantastic challenge. I am pumped for the year, and Meg, I'm looking forward to your future challenges whether monthly, quarterly, or next year. This was one of the best. Top notch. Thanks so much to you and all participants--made it a RICH experience.

  14. Charlotte Dixon10:17 AM

    Congratulations to all the winners! This has been a fabulous ReviMo and I look forward to doing this again-thank you, Meg!

  15. Kirsten Larson10:17 AM

    Wow, thanks Meg! As if finishing ReViMo weren't I win a prize. :)

  16. Tamara10:20 AM

    Thanks Meg! ReviMo really motivated me. Congratulations to the winners!

  17. Rena Traxel Boudreau10:23 AM

    Thanks so much Meg!

  18. Wendy Greenley10:27 AM

    Thanks again for organizing this, Meg! You even inspired me to "clean" my word doc file!

  19. Congrats to all the winners. Write on!

  20. Joanne Sher10:33 AM

    Congratulations, winners! And thank YOU, Meg, for the motivation and encouragement!

  21. Wow! Congratulations to the grand prize winners, though we were all winners for participating. Look at those great prizes!!!

  22. Congratulations to all! And congratulations to you, Meg. Despite the hiccups, this was a great writing event, full of sound advice and motivation. What a productive week! I've blocked out Jan 12-18 on my 2015 calendar. I also plan to have my own ReviMoments every month - a day or two set aside to revise moldy manuscripts. Best wishes for your writing goals this year! Many thanks.

  23. Shannon Abercrombie11:05 AM

    Congrats to the winners. :)

  24. Congratulations everyone! Thanks Meg.

  25. Lori Mozdzierz11:35 AM

    Congrats to all the prize winners!

    Meg, thanks again for an amazing week chockfull of learning, inspiration, camaraderie, and accountability!!

  26. Vivian Kirkfield11:58 AM

    What an awesome challenge this was, Meg! Congrats to the winners and thanks so much to all of the generous prize donors!!!

  27. Yowza! I never realized just how many great prizes you pulled together, Meg! Congrats to all you lucky dogs out there!

  28. Angie Karcher1:00 PM

    Congrats to all the winners! Way to Revise!

  29. moonduster1:10 PM

    Yay! This makes me so happy! Thanks so much for running this challenge! :)

    ~Becky Fyfe

  30. Stacy S. Jensen1:23 PM

    Congrats to all the winners. This was a fun challenge!

  31. Tracy Molitors1:49 PM

    Thank you, Meg, for all your effort in organizing this great week. It was so helpful. Congratulations to all the winners!!

  32. Wow! So many fabulous prizes! Congrats to all the winners on doing so many revisions and congrats and thank you to you, Meg, for running the whole thing, and thank you to the Rockstar! :)

  33. Pam Brunskill2:12 PM

    Congratulations to all the winners. :)

  34. Cathy C. Hall2:46 PM

    Congrats to the winners! Had a ton of fun!

  35. Congrats to the winners! And many thanks to Meg for the hours of organization and inspiration!

  36. Congratulations to you all. Great prizes. Great challenge. Thank you, Meg.

  37. Congratulations, Everyone!!! We all won with awesome revisions! Thank you, MEG, for the motivation! <3

  38. Cecilia Clark11:39 PM

    congratulations lucky winners :) Thanks Meg for ReviMo it was a very worthwhile and productive week which I greatly appreciated.

  39. Shannon Baunach Anderson4:39 AM

    Thank you for hosting this event!

  40. Lauri Meyers7:17 AM

    Woot woot, winners! Thank you Meg and Guest Posters - it was a challenging, but energizing week.

  41. Nata ArtistaDonna7:20 AM

    thank you Meg for organizing a FANTASTIC event! Congrats to ALL the winners and congrats to all who REVISED and wrote new stories :) we're ALL winners :)

  42. Dani Duck3:02 PM

    Love, love, love this event. You are a wonderful person to organize this Meg! I hope you continue to do a monthly event.

    Is it silly of me to feel like I won a prize when I see people I know winning prizes? I already feel like a winner because of everything I got done this month, but I love seeing people I know win things! It feels like Christmas all over again. Congrats to all of you and I hope I see you at more events!

  43. Peggy Archer9:59 AM

    Congrats to all the winners! I am still revising :)

  44. MegMillerWrites4:07 PM

    Congrats to the winners! Congrats to those of you still revising, you are winners too!!! Thank you everyone for your kind words. I'm so glad ReviMo was inspirational. It was for me as well!! :D

  45. MegMillerWrites4:08 PM

    Yay Dani!!! Love your attitude. :D So glad you enjoyed ReviMo! It will be back before next year, in some form! I'm still brainstorming. :)

  46. MegMillerWrites4:09 PM

    You're so welcome! We are indeed all winners! BIC and revising mojo!! :) Hooray!!!! :D

  47. MegMillerWrites4:10 PM

    Hooray!!! Glad you enjoyed. It was a motivational week for me as well. :D

  48. MegMillerWrites4:10 PM

    You're so welcome! Glad you ReviMo'd with us! :D

  49. MegMillerWrites4:10 PM

    Yay Cecilia! So glad you enjoyed. :D

  50. MegMillerWrites4:11 PM

    Indeed Carrie!!! You're so welcome! I'm glad you all were here to revise with me! :D

  51. MegMillerWrites4:11 PM

    What a wonderful week! You're so welcome! Glad everyone had fun and was inspired. :D

  52. MegMillerWrites4:12 PM

    It was so worth it! I'm so glad it was inspiring for you and others!!! :D

  53. MegMillerWrites4:12 PM

    Yay Cathy!!! :D

  54. MegMillerWrites4:12 PM

    Absolutely! So glad you revised with all of us! :D

  55. MegMillerWrites4:13 PM

    LOL! This would have been much more painful without The Rockstar! :D Thank you Susanna for your generous donation. Janie's going to LOVE your class. And the lovely alumni group! :D

  56. MegMillerWrites4:14 PM

    So glad you enjoyed it! It was motivational for me too!! ReviMo shall return!!! :D

  57. MegMillerWrites4:14 PM

    I know, what the heck was I thinking!? :D Thanks Julie!!!

  58. MegMillerWrites4:15 PM

    Congrats Becky!! You're so welcome. It was a great motivator for me as well!!!

  59. MegMillerWrites4:15 PM

    Thank you Vivian! Glad you ReviMo'd with us!!!

  60. MegMillerWrites4:15 PM

    You're so welcome Lori! Glad you ReviMo'd with us!!! Let's do it again! :D
