
Saturday, January 18, 2014

ReviMo 2014 Grand Prize Rafflecopter

WOW! What a wonderful week! I'm so proud of all of you, 1 day of revisions or 7, you did great. Revising stories so short and succinct is tough, but if you're like me, you love this crazy picture book writing journey. Many thanks for joining me!

There is talk of a monthly ReviMo day or a quarterly ReviMo for 4 days or a week, so check back if you are interested!

******AND NOW!!!!!******  
To enter GRAND PRIZE giveaway, for those who have revised 5+ Picture Book MS:

1. Scroll down to the Rafflecopter Rafflecopter widget at the bottom of this post.
2. Under the prize listings, CLICK on the “Revised 5 or 6 Picture Book MS” button OR the "“Revised 7 Picture Book MS” button .
3.  Click ENTER and you're entered! Remember you are on the honor system!

You can enter the Grand Prize today or tomorrow, only 1 time. Rafflecopter Prizes will be drawn January 20th.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Sue Frye2:25 PM

    Wow, I'm the first to post. Yeah! I enjoyed this week far too much! I did a bushel of revisions and learned a ton, thanks to all the fabulous posts! I hate that the week is over, maybe next year a month??? Thanks so much for all the work you and the guest posters put into making this week a success, Meg! Loved it!!!

  2. Lauri Meyers2:44 PM

    OH dear I messed this one up Meg. I thought this was the rafflecopter where we were supposed to click "5" and "2 more" so I clicked both. I'm going to go sit in the corner now and think about following directions better :)

  3. Thank you Meg for a wonderful week of inspirational posts and for creating a forum where writers/revisers can share their thoughts/ideas/struggles and revision successes! What a productive week this has been! :)

  4. MegMillerWrites3:54 PM

    You're so welcome! I'm glad you had a productive week!!! :)

  5. MegMillerWrites3:55 PM

    LOL! No problem, easily fixed! Just when I think I have Rafflecopter figured out...

  6. MegMillerWrites3:55 PM

    Yay Sue!!! That's an interesting idea, thanks! It has been a fun week! You're so welcome, I enjoyed it too! :D

  7. Jennifer Kirkeby4:26 PM

    Thank you so much, Meg! It was an inspirational week, and I enjoyed it immensely!

  8. Sue Heavenrich4:43 PM

    great week, Meg! Thanks for hosting. I originally thought a whole month would be the best, but now I'm thinking: focus one week on some serious revisions to kick start, then spend a couple months working out the rest of the kinks - and maybe another Revi -week in the summer? or quarterly?

  9. Thanks soooo much for hosting this! It was really great to have intentional time focused on revising. I'm so goal oriented that this was PERFECT! I would LOVE to see something happen regularly. THANK YOU!!!

  10. Lisa Willard5:40 PM

    Thank you so much, Meg!! It was a inspiring and encouraging week. Thanks to your great guests. I'm looking forward to the next ReviMo. Love the happy celebrating frogs. :)

  11. Damon Dean6:29 PM

    This WAS, dear Meg, the most productive week I've had in a loong loooooong time in my writing life. Not because of the stories I 'revised,' but because of a 'revival' in my confidence and my ability to make what I write better, even great. You've boosted my writing passion for the year with this well-timed challenge and the targeted encouragement from you, your contributing posters, and this kid lit community. Thanks forever.

  12. MegMillerWrites6:37 PM

    haha! Thank you Lisa, glad you enjoyed! :D

  13. MegMillerWrites6:38 PM

    You're most welcome. I'm so glad so many people enjoyed it! And it inspired me as well, win win! :D

  14. MegMillerWrites6:39 PM

    Sue, I was thinking a day a month, someone suggested quarterly and someone suggested seasonally. My wheels are turning! Be nice to keep the revision mojo flowing!! :D

  15. MegMillerWrites6:40 PM

    I'm so glad!! I'm glad it was inspiring for so many people, it motivated me too, which I really needed! :D

  16. Krista Mcmorran-Maus6:46 PM

    Thank you very much, Meg, for hosting ReviMo. This week motivated me to tackle a MS I had been dreading to revise. Having focused on this MS everyday this week, it is now done and ready to resubmit. Thank you.

  17. pennyklostermann7:39 PM

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I just finished my 5th revision! Wow! I would've NEVER done this much in one week without your challenge, Meg! It has been just wonderful. Inspiration! Encouragement! Camaraderie! I appreciate all of your hard work.

  18. Janie Reinart7:45 PM

    Meg thank you for all the time and effort you put into this week! Enjoyed the posts and the company. You rock!

  19. Stacey9:38 PM

    LOVE the suggestion to keep this going with regular ReviMo events!

  20. Melanie Ellsworth9:54 PM

    Thank you, Meg. Your challenge really helped me start off the new year right (and write!).

  21. Ann Magee9:58 PM

    Meg, thanks for all you do. You are a wonderful role model for how we writers can support each other. Looking forward to whatever comes next!

  22. Rachel Stones10:02 PM

    Thank you, Meg! This challenge was just the kick in the butt I needed to start the new year, after my holiday chocolate coma. I felt like I was spinning my wheels a bit the first couple days, but things started falling into place and now I'm cruising. My brain has re-opened for business!

  23. I can't thank you enough! ReviMo forced me to tee up my mss that needed revision--often with critiques that I already had! I got organized before the event--and mentally prepared--and I was able to hit the ground running. Some revisions turned out better than others but that's the nature of writing. Thanks for all the work you put into orchestrating this event and the wonderful variety of blog posts!

  24. I thought I commented here. Meg, thanks so much for this. The challenge was a huge success and I can't wait for the next one. Maybe say Feb.? Hahaha, just kidding. I slay me! Hugs and loves pal. xoxo

  25. Eileen10:24 PM

    Thanks for a great week!

  26. Blanche Baxter10:33 PM

    This has been a great week of revising. Got more done than I thought I would. :-) Thanks for the motivation.

  27. Ping Wan11:00 PM

    ReviMo is a great way to jumpstart a PB writer from the holiday slowdown. I can't thank you enough for this effort. I'm looking forward to taking another ride with you and all the ReviMo'ers.

  28. saputnam11:23 PM

    Thank you so much for hosting ReviMo, Meg! This week went by so fast and yet I accomplished so much... it was the kick in the pants that I needed

  29. Whoohoo!! Accomplished a lot this week. Note to self for next year: Buy softer cushions to help with Butt in Chair. Shrukran, Mesi, Gracias, Merci, Arigato!

  30. Cecilia Clark2:37 AM

    what a wonderful week. Thanks Meg. I have enjoyed all the posts and really got my teeth into my PB ideas expanding and chopping and splicing all over the place. It was a terrific and productive week.

  31. Nicole Snitselaar3:41 AM

    Thank you so much for all the work you put into this week and for even having to solve problems...
    MERCI !

  32. moonduster3:53 AM

    Thanks for hosting this challenge, Meg. :)

    ~Becky Fyfe

  33. Lori Mozdzierz5:36 AM

    Doing the Hoppy Gratitude Dance for all that ReviMo gifted us with!
    Learning. Inspiration. Tips and tricks. Accountability. Camaraderie.
    My gitty writer self that delves into her characters' world and loses track of "real time" is back! And it feels GREAT! Meg, I am forever grateful to you for all your time, effort and love of the written word that brought you to create ReviMo! :D

  34. Stephan Stücklin-Wightman6:18 AM

    Of course I'm hoping to win a prize, but I've already won the best prize with my much fresher and leaner story. Thanks for hosting, Meg, and do let me know when you host your next ReviMo!

  35. Nata ArtistaDonna7:38 AM

    thank you Meg for keeping me on my toes!

  36. Thank you so much for all of the amazing work you put into making this a success. I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of the contributors of this wonderful journey. I finally realized that I do have the chops for writing. I"ve still got "miles to go before I sleep" with good writing. However, my confidence is much higher and stronger than before. So, YES I'd like to do this on an ongoing basis!! THANK YOU again!

  37. janelle12:08 PM

    Thanks for putting this together! I really went through my work so far and feel I improved some pieces and bonus, I found manuscripts I totally forgot I had even written!

  38. Stacy S. Jensen12:32 PM

    I'll add to the thanks! I have seven stories in great shape. What a prize for a week of work! Thanks.

  39. Charlotte Dixon1:06 PM

    This was my first time to participate in ReviMo and I am taking away a great prize-the satisfaction of revising my PB MS! Thank you Meg for keeping everything moving with great guests and lively participation.

  40. Cathy C. Hall1:08 PM

    There is nothing like a challenge to get me motivated--except maybe a challenge with great prizes! :-) Appreciate all of your hard work and all of the folks who worked with you (and donated a prize) to make this so much fun and absolutely worthwhile!

  41. This was a fabulous experience. I was motivated to work on old stories for 6 straight days. I know it affected the rest of my writing too. I feel so empowered because I've made such measurable progress. Thanks for the boost.

  42. Lisa Rivard3:05 PM

    You are awesome Meg! Thanks you for helping me in my journey!

  43. Deirdre Sheridan Englehart4:30 PM

    Thanks so much! Great week!

  44. Doris Schwartz6:08 PM

    Thanks for a wonderful, productive week!

  45. Cindy Williams Schrauben7:04 PM

    Thanks so much for all your work, Meg. It was an amazingly productive week. I hope you have an immense feeling of pride for the inspiration you've instilled on so many people. Just think of the books that kids will be graced with because of this week. <3

  46. Tracy Molitors2:14 PM

    Thanks, Meg. This was a great week! It forced me to get back into things after the holidays, and it put the focus on revision, which was right where it belonged!
