
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Petite ReviMo Day 2 - Choose Your Own Adventure!

Welcome to Petite ReviMo, Day 2!
May your revisions be insightful and plentiful! For more ReviMo info, click here.

 Okay, so today I have something different in store for you! 

Many of you have already seen the revision inspiration sheet. If not, here is a gift for you! Today, pick one of these methods and run with it. My preferred method: Cover your eyes, wave arm at screen and then stop! Yahtzee! Wasn't that fun? :D Or you could use random number generator or pick a favorite number. If not a random pick, how about choosing a method that stretches your comfort zone? Who knows, it "could lead you in surprising and inspiring directions!" to quote Nancy Furstinger (ReviMo Petite Day 1).
Comment here or on the Facebook group and let us know what method is your revision fuel today!


  1. Cecili12:57 AM

    this is such a handy revision sheet. Thanks Meg

  2. lisa connors7:47 AM

    I'm going to make a dummy. . .I tend to want to skip that step. Thanks for the inspiration Meg!

  3. Wendy Greenley9:04 AM

    This sheet is tacked to my wall! I tend to gravitate toward #13 on the weekends (LOL) Today I need to dummy yesterday's brainstorm to see if it holds water or is a washout.

  4. Stacy S. Jensen9:22 AM

    Love this sheet. After church, I hope to dive in.

  5. Nicole Snitselaar9:58 AM

    must print it out !

  6. Vivian Kirkfield10:51 AM

    Awesome poster, Meg! Definitely one to print and hang around my neck, so every time I look in the mirror, I'll see it.:) Today I'll be reading my newly revised from rhyme to prose story out loud at least 25 times...if I still love it, maybe it is good.:)

  7. Joanne Sher1:58 PM

    I absolutely, POSITIVELY need to do a dummy. Been thinking about it. Wondering if the PB I was working on yesterday will "fit." And there it is, RIGHT at the top of the list! Off to Tara Lazar's blog, where I'm PRETTY sure I remember a guide to doing one of these.

    Thanks, Meg!!

  8. MegMillerWrites2:51 PM

    Did you find it Joanne? That's an excellent post! There's also a dummy chapter in Writing Picture Books, by Ann Whitford Paul. I really need to do some more. Ann makes a great case for them! :D

  9. MegMillerWrites2:52 PM

    LOL! That's where I need this sheet too Vivian. :D Wow, that is a tough test! Hope you still love it in the end!

  10. MegMillerWrites2:52 PM

    Yay! :D

  11. MegMillerWrites2:52 PM

    I'm filing then I need to dive in. >_< Happy revising! :D

  12. MegMillerWrites2:53 PM

    #13 is awesome! We should probably do that one today as well. For writing inspiration and to air out from hanging out inside all these cold days! :D Happy revising!

  13. MegMillerWrites2:54 PM

    That's my hope for today too Lisa! :D Happy revising!!!

  14. MegMillerWrites2:54 PM

    So welcome! Enjoy enjoy!!!

  15. Joanne Sher3:36 PM

    I did find it, Meg. Thanks! It was great - and incredibly helpful. Totally opened my eyes to where the structure of my book needs to be altered a bit.

  16. Sue Frye10:14 PM

    Wonderful helps, Meg! I loved the sheet! I revised two manuscripts. I think the hardest part is cutting the wordage, but I did that too, and I think it helped make my story much clearer. I love ReviMo! The only problem is (and it isn't really a problem) I don't want to stop revising:)

  17. Christine Irvin10:23 PM

    I remember this poster from the last time. It's a great idea and well worth sharing and using!!

  18. pennyklostermann7:07 AM

    I love this inspiration sheet! Thanks for sharing it again. I didn't get over here yesterday...unexpected out-of-town company. But it's great to see your post this morning. I have revisions on my schedule for this week on a couple of manuscripts and this will come in handy :-)

  19. Heather Gale9:27 AM

    Thanks so much for sharing your poster with us. Just changed the POV and new MC is bigger and funnier - what a fab exercise to find the weak spots in one's choice!

  20. saputnam11:01 AM

    Sorry to be late posting this... I have been working on trying to get everything
    transferred from my old computer my honkingly fast new one so revisions have
    been spotty to say the least, but I finally finished last evening around 11:00
    and finished revising one of my manuscripts a little before midnight. I did #2,
    #9 and finally #11

  21. Patrick7:45 PM

    Hi Meg,

    I just put up a blog post from one of my revisions. I took a book I semi-published almost ten years ago and cut out 1200+ words. In the post, I go into detail how I trimmed a text heavy first page to a ten word sentence. Thanks, I found revimo very helpful.
