
Friday, February 14, 2014

Petite ReviMo February, Day 1 - Nancy Furstinger

Welcome to Petite ReviMo, February 15th & 16th!
May your weekend be revisionful! For more ReviMo info, click here.

Today we have with us, Nancy Furstinger! Welcome Nancy!

“I was working on the proof of one of my poems all the morning, and took out a comma. In the afternoon I put it back again.” –Oscar Wilde

While I’m not as focused on writing the perfect sentence as Oscar Wilde was, I do sometimes have to turn off the critical part of my brain. That snarky part will snarl at me, and insist that every sentence must be perfect or no one will read a single word I write. So I chuck my background as an editor and write what Anne Lamott calls a “Shitty First Draft” in her encouraging book “Bird by Bird.” Then I put away that first draft, but let it percolate in my brain. It’s easier to rewrite and revise when you’ve distanced yourself from your words.

Sometimes you don’t think you can pump out one more word of revision, but then your publisher suggests a brilliant new angle. Suddenly you’re re-invigorated! This happened to me twice, and the resulting books were stronger.

“Creative Crafts for Critters” started out as fun crafts that kids could create for their cats and dogs. My publisher asked me to add birds, fish, and pocket pets to the mix. So I created crafts for the furred, finned, and feathered. These revisions helped me to rack up some great reviews!

My new picture book, “The Forgotten Rabbit,” is loosely based on my huge New Zealand white bunny, Marshmallow, who lived the first three years of her life in a tiny outdoor hutch before transforming into a house rabbit. My publisher suggested incorporating a story line about rabbit agility (a sport similar to dog agility) to appeal to the picture book crowd. Fab idea! I had the young protagonist build a homemade agility course and then later compete with her rabbit at an agility event. I punched up the manuscript with oodles of active verbs. And I was fortunate to be able to work with the illustrator, offering her suggestions about how to depict both types of agility courses and send her photos of Marshmallow racing around and “binkying.” I think kids will really enjoy the exciting action!

Instead of approaching revisions with trepidation, embrace them. They could lead you in surprising and inspiring directions!

Thank you Nancy!

Nancy's been a writer since the third-grade, when her class put on a play she wrote. She thought it was amazing to hear people reading her words, and immediately decided to become a writer.
After college, Nancy started out as a newspaper reporter, interviewing intriguing people and writing about every topic imaginable. Nancy caught the book bug when she worked as a managing editor for two children’s publishing companies. Now I've finally found her niche, working as a freelance writer—the most rewarding job ever! Check out Nancy's books here:


  1. I have always loved that quote. It's how we authors roll sometimes. The Forgotten Rabbit sounds great. Thanks Nancy! Embracing revisions. Yeah!

  2. Cecilia1:08 AM

    Thank you Nancy, I appreciate the support as I have a lot of revising to do to make my stories have oomph. Glad you found your niche.

  3. Lori Mozdzierz5:33 AM

    Thanks, Nancy! Inner critic stuffed in the closet. Now on to revisions!

  4. Stacy S. Jensen6:11 AM

    I strive toward "oodles of active verbs." On to revise today! (How did there end up being three challenges in one weekend? Oops!)

  5. Lisa Connors7:21 AM

    Thanks Nancy. It helps knowing others experiences.

  6. animalauthor8:17 AM

    Glad you found this helpful, Lisa!

  7. animalauthor8:17 AM

    Onward to revisions, Stacy--enjoy the process!

  8. animalauthor8:18 AM

    I know, Lori, stuff that inner critic and revise!

  9. animalauthor8:18 AM

    I'm sure you'll find your oomph as you revise, Cecilia!

  10. animalauthor8:19 AM

    Yes, I thought that was the perfect quote for Petite ReviMo, Robyn...embrace your revisions!

  11. Nicole Snitselaar9:16 AM

    Thanks Nancy. I have been revising with alot of pleasure ! And reading about others experiences is a good boost !

  12. Vivian Kirkfield10:06 AM

    Thanks so much, Nancy...loved to hear that your passion started so early on and you followed through. Many times, we have a dream, but don't act on it. lead us again to pull out those manuscripts and REVISE! Have revised one already...and I have another that needs some spit and polish before I resubmit it to both of my critique groups today.:) Perfect timing for Petite ReviMo!

  13. Charlotte Dixon10:31 AM

    Thank you for the encouraging and inspiring post. It is hard to sit down and pick up that draft. but I'm going to do it! Love ReviMo.

  14. animalauthor10:32 AM

    So glad to give you a boost, Nicole!

  15. animalauthor10:33 AM

    Yes, Vivian, I can't imagine being anything other than a writer...well, maybe a vet, but I stunk in science:-)

  16. animalauthor10:34 AM

    Go for it, Charlotte!

  17. Vivian Kirkfield11:40 AM

    Something tells me that you would succeed in whatever you set your mind to, Nancy...but I also believe that following our passion and enjoying our work creates a certain peace of mind and satisfaction with life that is bliss. :)

  18. Joanne Sher12:38 PM

    Praying for that energizing revision inspiration - this post certainly has me on my way!
    Thanks so much!

  19. pennyklostermann1:32 PM

    Thanks, Nancy. I did a bit of an Oscar Wilde thing today by adding back some exclamation points. I had removed them for fear of overuse...but my sparse manuscript has only 149 words and when there's need to be exclaimed!
    I like your idea of embracing revisions because a lot of times I do approach them with trepidation, thinking, "I'm spent! How do I find the ingredient I need?" But a positive approach is healthier for creativity. Thanks for a positive post!

  20. animalauthor1:52 PM

    Thanks so much, Vivian, you are definitely spot-on: When you find your passion, squeeze it tight; it will shine through in everything you write!

  21. Christine Irvin2:33 PM

    Embrace the revision, eh? Okay, I'll try it...LOL Thanks for sharing!

  22. animalauthor2:57 PM

    I sure hope you find that inspiration, too, Joanne!

  23. animalauthor2:57 PM

    Give it a whirl, Christine, it really works!

  24. animalauthor2:58 PM

    So glad you found the post positive, Penny (how alliterative)...and sprinkle on those exclamation points!

  25. Julie Beturne9:27 PM

    I totally agree with you about writing a draft and then putting your piece away. Great advice!

  26. Wendy Greenley9:02 AM

    Enjoying the post a day late. Love that old black dog in the photo. :)

  27. saputnam9:13 AM

    Great post, Nancy! I have sent my Inner Critic along with my
    Muse to Cancun to loll around on the beach and drink margaritas. while I slave away revising..

    Woke up early this morning in" Revision Mode" and have revised one manuscript and
    have another one that I wanted to revise but have had to put it off as I am
    also trying to move everything over to my new computer

  28. animalauthor12:31 PM

    Thanks, Julie, glad it also works for you!

  29. animalauthor12:32 PM

    Thanks, Wendy--that's my beloved rescued lab mix who starred in one of my picture books: "Maggie's Second Chance: A Gentle Dog's Rescue."

  30. animalauthor12:33 PM

    Wow, you're so ambitious...and I envy the journey your Inner Critic has taken as I look out my home office window onto more than 30 inches of snow!

  31. Monica Lauscher8:24 AM

    I have a love/hate relationship with my revisions, so your suggestions helped me to be more forgiving and open minded. Maybe it's ok if the first, third, or seventh draft isn't perfect. And, maybe I don't have to finish it yesterday! Thanks, Nancy.

  32. MegMillerWrites9:34 AM

    Excellent perspective Monica! Hope your revisions were fruitful! :D

  33. MegMillerWrites9:35 AM

    I want to go to Cancun too!! Maybe I'll leave my inner critic here in winter wonderland. :D Good luck with the computer swap, hope you find time to revise!

  34. MegMillerWrites9:36 AM

    Hooray! Glad your Petite ReviMo helped your revisions!! :D

  35. MegMillerWrites9:37 AM

    Yay revisers!!! Another ReviMo on the books and lots of revisions made. Can't wait for a ReviMo success story. :D Stay tuned for March ReviMo!

  36. animalauthor12:00 PM

    That's the spirit, Monica--they're called "drafts" for a reason!
